5 minutes, then came the good old Soundgarden, Sex Pistols and others, and I felt there again in 2017 next to my co-workers in our quality control and repair shop set up in a small, dirty warehouse.

Really, I could only tolerate the menu / gameplay background music for approx. You’ll have well over 100 parts for this, and about 8 car models. Preparations for your shop are complete and now let’s download our game, measured around 1,5 GB, yeah and… Now, let’s be amazed at how wonderfully simple, clean, purposeful, free of all frills and unnecessary nonsense, honest little game is this! They’re not trying to give the appearance of something bigger and bigger here, no: here you’re going to take cars apart and put them together. Third and last important round before we sit down in front of the machine: let’s put in some cool music! to keep it super flexed. Pack the wall of your room with pictures of models, as is customary in a good workshop livery.

Both repairman have the ability to get the job done. So, first and foremost, pick up something that reveals your belly or that has your greasy arms flexed. With this I think I’ve told you everything this game is at its core. Car Mechanic Simulator Classic: well here you’ll learn how to disassemble the cars you import into small pieces and then put them together Car Mechanic Simulator Classic: well here you’ll learn how to disassemble the cars you import into small pieces and then put them together with repaired parts, or parts replaced from the Internet.